Tuesday, January 13, 2009

My first week = in the books!

After a rough start (ok, just the first 2 days) I feel like I have really adjusted well to life in the city. Last Monday after work I met up with a new friend for happy hour, and it just went up from there.

The UMAA has actually been a saving grace, as they have plenty of social events, so that's been fun.

I guess Saturday was my real first night out on the town...and it all started at a UMAA hockey viewing event (obviously I watched football instead). After that, I went out to 40/40 with Micah, which was really great. It was the first time we hung out although I had been in town for a week.

On Sunday, Kelly was officially in town, so we spent the afternoon talking and walking around lower Manhattan. We stopped at this adorable little pub to watch the Giants game; unfortunately they lost. (But good news! Micah got re-signed!)

Sunday night I finally took Micah out for his belated birthday dinner. We went to Buona Sera, a charming little Italian restaurant near Union Square; it was great.

On Monday after work Kelly and I look at an apartment -- SoHo is a no-go. I guess before we go any further she wants to make sure she has a job. She has about seven interviews set up this week. I'm sure something will come of it, she is a smart, talented cookie.

One thing I am
really looking forward to is the Gopher basketball game on Thursday. We are watching it at Mad River, the official UW bar in NYC. (And yes, I will be ordering a brat and cheesecurds.)

Good news! Eva booked her flight to NYC for my birthday. I highly, highly recommend anyone coming this way (or really, anywhere) to fly
AirTran. She got her flight from Milwaukee to New York for only $187! My flight here was $104.

Anyway, I should get going. This day/week is jam-packed :-)

PS: I still miss my Minneapolis people!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Live from UWS

...That's Upper West Side for all you non-New Yorkers (hey, I didn't know until I was here a few weeks ago, either).

I finally arrived in New York yesterday, and it's been pretty much non-stop since then. The flight was super quick and a $20 cab ride later I was at my temp apartment. It's okay, but I wish I was in Manhattan...or at least part of Brooklyn that was easier to get to the City. I'll figure something out though.

I start working tomorrow, and thank God for that. I need something to occupy my time with that isn't called shopping.

Other than that though, I guess the only thing that's missing is my friends. It'd be nice to see a familiar face every once in a while. Luckily for me, Kelly is coming out next week, so that's something to look forward to! I'll probably get together with Micah at some point soon too, but apparently they are busy with the playoffs or something...ha.

I must say that I thought I would feel more excited to be here. But so far, it seems pretty normal. Like I've been here forever (except for the whole having no friends part). But I guess that just means that this is where I belong. Can I get some reassurance on that? ...Anyone?

I guess I'll just end this with shouting out to my Minneapolis "family": I miss you guys like crazy, I wish you were here with me!